If you are interested in joining the Peter Bowen Racing Club, payment will be accepted in the form of a one-off payment of £500 with no more to pay over the year’s membership term.
Account: Peter Bowen Racing Club
Sort Code: 20 -37 -82 Account No: 13882802

10% of winning prize money will be the dividend that will be distributed to members at 30th April 2023 (minus Weatherby’s expenses, and the extra expenses towards additional horses)
In all circumstances the 12 months membership fee is not subject to any additional requests for payment in relation to the keeping and training of the racehorses, no matter what costs the Club may incur.
If Peter Bowen is of the opinion at any time that there are insufficient Members to fund the Club’s activities at a level consistent with its objectives, then he reserves the right not to proceed with the intended horse racing activities of the Club and reserves the right, to refund to all those who have paid a yearly membership fee the full amount of that subscription without interest.
In all circumstances the 12 months membership fee is not subject to any additional requests for payment in relation to the keeping and training of the racehorses, no matter what costs the Club may incur.
Non Payment of Accounts
It is vital to the running of the Club that all payments due are made on time. Provisions should be made to ensure there is no instance where non-payment occurs. Members who fail to pay membership fees for two consecutive months are deemed to be in arrears and shall have their membership made void. Any monies owed to an individual shall be held by the club. The upfront payment is non-refundable.
If an individual is unable to pay on the specified date they must let the club manager know by email at least one week before payment is due.
Expulsion of non-paying members shall be made by the management of Peter Bowen Racing Club to protect the interests of other members. Members cannot sell membership to third parties. Any lapsed or non-paying member shall no longer be permitted to use the Members Area of the club website.
Resignation of a Member
Members can choose to leave the Club at any time, but will not receive a refund. The aim of the Club is to enjoy and grow a membership of like-minded people who join, not just to enjoy racing, but to enjoy an exclusive opportunity to experience ownership. Peter Bowen Racing Club ask that should you for any reason no longer wish to be part of the club you give six weeks’ notice to the Peter Bowen Racing Club Manager in writing and by telecommunication.
All accounts of the retiring member are to be cleared in advance of acceptance of Notice Of Resignation. All monies due will be paid to the retiring member if the correct process of leaving has occurred.
The management of Peter Bowen Racing Club have carefully planned for the club to have a successful future, but should the club be dissolved or disbanded for any reason Peter Bowen Racing Club will pay any fees owed to Weatherby’s as a priority.
Risk Accepted by Members
In view of the unpredictable nature of owning and racing racehorses, save as set out expressly in this Contract, no guarantees or warranties whatsoever are made by Peter Bowen Racing Club. The Member acknowledges and accepts that participation in the Club is for the purpose of sharing in the enjoyment of the Horses and horse racing and not for investment purposes.
Whilst it is the Manager’s intention to have 2 Horses in training at any one time, it may not be possible to make a replacement if a horse is either injured or retired. Peter Bowen Racing Club reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.